Elk Grove HART



We are a 501c(3) non-profit organization; 100% of donations go directly toward providing services. Tax ID# 46-4162394

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We are a 501c(3) non-profit organization; 100% of donations go directly toward providing services. Tax ID# 46-4162394

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100 Words

Susan is the reason I became an advocate for the homeless in Elk Grove. She was the very first homeless person I held a conversation with which she ended by saying, “You know God created us all equal.” I started to spend time with her as much out of curiosity as compassion—curious how a bright, former teacher could get to this point, living in her run-down car. Over time it became clear. Her son had been murdered and she had never recovered from the trauma.

We walked through some crazy times together. She even won a car! She taught me many things. One of the most important was that she was an adult and wanted to be treated with respect and be loved just like the rest of us.

I know God put Susan in my life to drive home the point that we are in fact all created equal. When the housing crisis hit Elk Grove and our homeless population grew, I knew she had been the best teacher I had ever had, teaching me so eloquently how to truly care for and about the homeless.

We are a 501c(3) non-profit organization;
100% of donations go directly toward providing services.
Tax ID# 46-4162394