Elk Grove HART celebrated a "first" this year with the birth of baby Lilly in one of our transitional houses.
Lilly arrived on December 28th and she is thriving. Meanwhile, her mom plans for their upcoming move to the Gardens at Quail Run 2 Apartment complex.
Elk Grove HART board member, Dave Neves, has composed an original song in Lilly's honor. Please click the link below to listen and reflect on what "might have been" had Lilly's mom not found Elk Grove HART and supporters like you, who can make HART's work possible.
Lilly's Song: https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=X4OxjGB-KZA& authuser=0
Please remember Lilly's story and give generously on Thursday, May 4th for the Big Day of Giving!
If you'd like to make an early donation, the link is LIVE now. https://www. bigdayofgiving.org/ organization/elkgrovehart